When I got pregnant, I applied for a maternity benefit. I planned to go back to work after my maternity leave but due to complications, I had to resign. So I changed my status to voluntary. Since I resigned, I became a separated member. After preparing all the requirements, I went to the SSS branch in my city to submit the requirements. Fortunately, there were only 2 people ahead in line. The staff told me that I complied with all the requirements except one- photocopy of my passbook showing my account name and account number. I was too focused on preparing the documents that I forgot to check other requirements. My account name and my name should be the same. The problem is my bank account was not yet updated at that time. My last name on my bank account was my maiden name. I had to go to the bank to update my status. After that, I went back to the SSS office to submit a photocopy of my updated passbook. I was told to wait for about a month.
After more than a month, I received a text message saying that my application was not approved because of incomplete requirements. I was surprised because I’m sure that I complied with all the requirements and the staff accepted the requirements I submitted. I went to the SSS office and complained about the matter. The staff said I have to submit another operation record. I told the staff we both know I already submitted the operation record from the hospital. She said the SSS main office in La Union received everything except my operation record. I thought this is ridiculous. I was expecting the money after a month and now I couldn’t receive it because of negligence. It’s not easy to get an operation record. First, we have to get a request form from the hospital to be signed by the OB who performed the CS operation. Then we can request a copy at the records office of the hospital. Aside from that, I am taking care of my baby so my time is limited.

I decided to talk to the manager in-charge. I told her about my predicament. She told me she’ll inform the La Union main office then she’ll get back at me. I waited for a week but she didn’t contact me so I went back to the SSS branch again. She told me that I could submit the photocopy of the OR. Fortunately, I photocopied the OR before submitting to the SSS office so I gave her my personal copy. Finally, I checked my bank account online and my SSS maternity benefit was deposited to my account after a few weeks.