What is the best disposable diaper for you? What are the factors you consider in deciding which diaper is the best?
A. Price- Do you choose the cheapest? The most expensive? Or average?
B. Recommendation by family members, friends, or influencers- Do you prefer the ones recommended by your favorite influencers? Or the diaper that someone recommended to you?
C. Popularity- Is your decision affected by what's popular in the market? Do you equate popularity to quality?
D. Comfort/Absorbency- Is it comfortable? Is is leak-proof/absorbent?
For me, I consider all of the above factors. I tried 10 different brands.
1. Babypal
2. Beybiko
3. Kleenfant
4. Moose Gear
5. Huggies
6. Hey Tiger
7. Bebe Calin
8. EQ
9. MamyPoko
10. Uni-Love

Based on my experience, Moose Gear diaper is the best. My son rarely had leaks when using Moose Gear diapers. How about you? Which one do you prefer for your baby?