I was having a smooth pregnancy. Many people commented how blooming I was. They guessed that I’d be having a baby girl since my countenance is bright. I haven’t had any morning sickness nor aversions to some food. I was doing what I normally did when I was not pregnant. But I was shocked one day when I saw bright red spots on my underwear. I knew there was something wrong so I consulted with my doctor. She advised me to take a leave from work for 1 month because of a threatened preterm labor.
I was devastated because I’m not accustomed to not doing anything but rest. I knew that one month at home would be boring and unproductive. I held back my tears in the clinic but when my husband and I were walking to the pharmacy, I couldn’t control my tears any longer. Thankfully it was already dark so people didn’t notice the tears streaming on my face.
As soon as we bought the medicine, we headed back home. I was thankful my husband talked about other things for me to divert my attention toward positive things. On the ride home, I was thinking about a lot of things. I know that I shouldn’t be stressed because it might affect the condition of my unborn baby. I wanted to stop crying but my tears were not cooperating. I decided to let my tears flow freely instead of controlling my emotion. I was thinking that if I’ll be on leave, our finances will be tight since my husband’s salary is just enough for the two of us. I was also thinking about my plans at work.
When the jeepney stopped, my husband and I quietly got off from the jeepney. I walked slowly since as much as possible I must avoid physical exertions as advised by the doctor. Then I remembered a coworker who told me, she knew someone who was put into complete bed rest most of her pregnancy. I thought to myself, I just have to be thankful I was told to rest only for 1 month. Even though there’s no assurance that I’ll be back to normal after 1 month, I felt a renewed hope that everything will be alright. I’m glad my baby is still doing okay. I was relieved when I heard her heartbeat while the doctor was performing ultrasound.
By the time we reached the doorstep of our house, I was grateful for the inspiration I felt. I don’t have to feel sorry for myself and my baby’s condition. I just have to enjoy I have 1 month to focus all my energy and bond with my baby.

#pregnancy bleeding #preterm labor