As a mother who recently gave birth to an adorable baby, I realized a mom who recently gave birth needs a lot of help and support. I expected help from my loved ones because I didn’t have enough time or I was physically drained to do some stuff. I’m grateful for my family and friends for their help. I learned how to support and serve a mom who recently gave birth from my co-mommies and based on my expectations.
In the hospital or birthing center:
· I’d congratulate the new mother for delivering her baby.
· I won’t kiss the baby but I’d express s/he looks adorable.
· I’d just drop by at the hospital because I know the mom just wants to rest.
· I’d give some fruits high in fiber because I know it might be difficult to poop.
· I’d give some cash because she needs it.
· I’d offer some advice about breastfeeding to a first-time mom or arrange for a breastfeeding counselor to visit her.
· If I want to take her photo, I’ll give her time to freshen up or at least brush her hair and put some lip gloss so she’ll look good on the photo.
· I’d offer a ride from the hospital to their home if they don’t have a car or driver.
In the new mom’s home:
· I’d arrange for a postpartum massage.
· I’d cook meals for her. Nutritious meals are better.

· I’d offer to babysit the baby while the mother sleeps.
· I’d offer to do some household chores such as doing the laundry, washing the dishes, and cleaning the house.
· If I don’t have the time, I’d arrange for someone to cook, clean, or babysit for her.
There are countless ways and those I enumerated are just some. Feel free to add your suggestions. Even a simple note would count as long as you do it sincerely.