Pregnancy is usually a much-anticipated experience especially for a first time mom like me. My husband and I want to have a baby as soon as possible so we went to a doctor to have a consultation. The doctor gave some advice which we diligently followed. We were ecstatic when we found out I’m pregnant after 3 months. As the days go by, I experienced a lot of changes. Some changes are uncomfortable but there are changes that made me feel good. As I look back to what I did when I was pregnant, I realized that I’ve changed for the better. Pregnancy is truly a transformative experience and I’m glad to be a mother.
Here are some of the changes that made me want to stay pregnant:
A. Emotional Changes
1. I became more conscious of what I take in my body.
I like to eat junk food but when I got pregnant, I limited my intake of unhealthy foods because there is a dependent life growing inside me. I want to be healthy so that my baby will be healthy too.
2. I became more optimistic.
I know that my baby will feel what I feel so I try my best to be happy. When I feel stressed, I don’t dwell on it. I recognize my feelings then go on with my day.
3. I became more thrilled as the days go by.
Since this is my first time, I want to know what to expect and what to do during pregnancy, labor, and childbirth. I read a lot of pregnancy books, blogs, and magazines. I watched videos and listened to podcasts. I learned a lot about pregnancy, childbirth, and child-rearing. Most of them are new to me.
B. Social changes
1. People are more caring and considerate.
It’s great to be in the priority lane especially when I am rushing. It feels good to be offered a seat by a stranger and to be prioritized. This also includes my husband. Since I was put on bed rest, he did all household chores and tasks I asked him to do. Some of my friends planned a baby shower, gave presents, visited me even though I didn’t ask them to do so.
2. Increased understanding
Some of my friends don’t have children and some of them are already mothers. Now that I’m pregnant I can easily relate to them. I now understand the things they told me before that were not clear to me when I wasn’t pregnant.
3. Expanding my social circle
Aside from my friends, I’ve also met and interacted with other mothers and health care professionals which I think is beneficial. We learn from each other. It’s good to meet other people who can become our friends.
